
Blue Orb Meditation

  A timeline for my practice Perhaps a troubled youth, lonely, introspective or perhaps more aware of self to define, characterise, whatever, a need. Random thoughts disturbing the inner sanctum of my mind. A statement. This is my mind, my head is my space, I should be able to control those random intrusions, unwanted thoughts. A process, an awareness being touted by gurus  and musicians, meditation. Chants, mantras, mandalas, burning candles, eastern religious practices, yoga, disciplines I am not adept at or practice, and labels. I do not wish to be defined or confined by labels. I read somewhere do not try to control the thoughts, or at least I think I did? So I visualised at age 15/16 my thoughts running on a cassette tape and ultimately, the tape runs blank. Maintain a focus on the black behind my eyelids. Eventually a calmness, refreshing sometimes sleep, but also in a conscious state, a visualisation in the minds eye, what I describe as a blue orb, round, light blue, filling up